Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Return to Normal

That's a dubious blog title.

But Spring Break has ended, and both my beloveds have returned to their normal schedules.

Speaking of dubious, spring itself is a dubious season in Singapore.  There's scant seasonal variation here, so close to the equator.  So, we misplaced northerners must make spring for ourselves.

Bougainvillea: not necessarily a spring flower, but pink is a sort of spring color...

Some small yellow flower

Frangipani, I believe...

Something borrowed, something blue...

I don't know what this is, but it must be related to bird of paradise.

So, I don't have any pictures of baby birds or bunnies to make this post a true spring-like post, but how about...


1 comment:

Melody Johnson said...

Gawjus fotos Brooke. Amazing plants and flowers. You'll miss them (I would anyway) when you leave. Which is soon I hope.