On Sundays after church, we have been going to the Farmer's Market downtown. Even though it has been very rainy, many people still make it there because it is so fun, and also, there is a roof on the pavilion where it is held.
It is not only a farmer's market, but also a craft show, and there's food and usually live music, too.
The last time we went, I had a delicious steak taco.
Then I went and got one of these potato chip things. Very decadent, also very delicious.
The veggies are always beautiful and tempting.
But maybe it's weird to have a bell pepper match one's dress.
More temptation.
On this day, we only bought some apples and tomatoes. The tomatoes will be made into a delicious fresh soup, and the apples?
They were used appropriately.
Now you have made me really hungry. Yummamente!
Lucky you, you got roof over the market. Veggies look really healthy!
A very handsome pie, I must say! Well done!
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