Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The New Job

Hello and welcome to my new work place!

For some 4 weeks now, I have been working at a store called Shadowbox Paperie. And I am so thankful to be able to say I'm employed!

The store is located on Main Street in downtown Chattanooga, which is in a nice neighborhood that is currently being built up into a real posh shopping district, we all hope. There's some art galleries, and some good restaurants all within walking distance, so we get some good foot traffic.

As you can see, we sell more than paper goods. And as you can probably imagine, I have taken over merchandising and display in the store, although I can't claim credit for every beautiful display you see in these pictures. Mostly I've just been tweaking the displays some.

So if you're in the area, stop by and see me! I'll be the one whose happiness at finally gaining employment is causing a faint glow around her edges.


Gari in AL said...

Congratulations. And a creative job, no less.

Melody Johnson said...

Looking too good for words. I'll see it all and you on Saturday.

Marianne Bos said...

Congratulations on finding a job! We were all wondering where you had disappeared to!
We are hoping that now you no longer have the stress of finding employment you are able to find some time to get back to some serious quilting (eg de-stressing about being employed! lol)
We missed you

Julie Bagamary said...

Looks like a fun place to work!

Julie Bagamary said...

Looks like a fun place to work!

CB said...

Cute shop! Wish I could pop by to shop there. Bet you are keeping the cash box in order too. I remember how meticulous you are.

dee said...

congrats Brooke! Looks like a lovely place to work. Roger groans when we come across a place like this since he knows I'll be lost inside for an hour and it's going to cost him.
Happy Thanksgiving. I hear you've got a great chef.

Anonymous said...
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ms Givens said...

It looks like a fun place to work.

Sandra said...

What a nice place to work in and if I lived closer ;) I would definitively become a regular visitor, Ilove shops like these!

Zemphira ~ Scatter Art. said...

Looks like a wonderful place to work!!